Baron Ranch TrailsBaron Ranch Trail Run

The Alisal Fire devastated the Baron Ranch Trails and the surrounding landscape in the fall of 2021. For two years in a row, winter rain events hard hit the Arroyo Quemado Trail from Calle Real to Camino Cielo and the Loop Trail. Fortunately, trail crews have addressed many slide and erosion issues in many locations and multiple times. Despite the fire and winter storm damage, the trail offers extraordinary vistas as you climb the back of the canyon to the crest of the Santa Ynez Mountains.

Distances: 13.3, 6.5, 4.2, and 2 Miles

Option 1) Arroyo Quemado Trail + Loop Trail: After crossing the bridge, runners will experience a newly cut trail for the next mile, providing a fresh canyon perspective. The route is a 13.3-mile out-and-back beginning at Calle Real trailhead and cresting at Camino Cielo at 2500 feet elevation. 

Option 2) Loop Trail: The loop portion of this trail has been reconstructed this year. The route follows a lolly-pop-shaped combination of former ranch roads and a single track for a 6.5-mile event.

Option 3) Lower Trail: The lower portion of Arroyo Quemado Trail is a combination of relatively flat land and an elevation gain of 500 ft. The out-and-back route combines former ranch roads and a single track for a 4.2-mile event.

Option 4) Canyon Bottom Trail: The lower portion of Arroyo Quemado Trail is mostly at the bottom of the canyon. The loop route combines former ranch roads and a single track for a 2-mile event.

Event Details

Volunteers will be at the trailhead to greet runners, offer a free Trails Council bandana, and pop open an ice chest of cold beverages as folks return to the trailhead. 

In an effort to get more people to know about the trail, we are asking runners to share their experiences and post their times for the Arroyo Quemado Trail. If you use Strava, please join the Island View Trail Run Group,,

WHEN: February 18th, March 3rd, April 7th, April 21st, April 28th — Note we will not postpone again. 
WHERE: Baron Ranch
TRAIL ROUTES: Arroyo Quemado Trail + Loop Trail (13.3-miler), Loop Trail (6.5-miler), Lower Trail (4.2-Miler), and Canyon Bottom Trail (2-Miler)
START TIMES: 13.3-Miler @ 8:30, 6.5-Miler @ 9:00, 4.2-Miler @ 9:30 and 2-Miler @ 9:30
DONATION: $30 donation for all distances. Lunch included.

Event Registration

We will use a simple way to register for this trail run. Please donate $30 to the Santa Barbara County Trails Council. Funds will be used to maintain the eight miles of trails at Baron Ranch. When donating online, please add a note about the distance you want to run. Lunch choices include 2 Pulled Pork Sliders, 2 Caprese Sliders, or 2 Seared Tuna Sliders. All are served with a side of potatoes.

For more information contact: 


Weather is always a factor for a spring event. Different weather services make different predictions. We will monitor the weather, and everyone will be notified if the event is postponed due to weather.

Baron Ranch Trail Run Map

Click here for a high-resolution map